Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Blogging queen is going down...

I decided that I am going to be the new "Queen" of blogging as Krista doesn't update that often...Maybe this will give her a reason to post some new Emma stories.

I actually don't have to much to blog about as today was quite boring with no school and lots of snow! I will however tell you that Ben is exhausted from babysitting today. (I think he forgets they are his children so you can't call it babysitting!) I prefer to take them to the real babysitter where they are DRESSED, have been fed, usually nap, and my house is clean!!! Well worth the expense, trust me..

Isabelle and I made HOMEMADE valentine cards for her class party Friday. This was a very stressful trip to walmart due to the fact she doesn't stay with me and I hear "can I have" the entire time!!! They turned out cute for the most part. Isabelle got a little crazy with the hot glue gun at times, but oh well!!! I have to tell you that her secret B-friend had the best cart!! He had some major decorating on his card!

In other news, I am still smelling vinegar and decaying animals on Ben. Hopefully this trapping nonsense will end soon. I'm sick of hearing about it and looking at the stupid things hanging in my house!!!! My children are going to think it's normal!! So here are some pics from our crazy house!!